Little Rock lights and Governor's proclamation
Recently, inVeritas participated in efforts to increase awareness surrounding sickle cell disease, an inherited blood disorder that affects over 100,000 people in the United States. It is an extremely painful disease which causes organ damage and shortens the life span of its victims. Patients with sickle cell disease often experience blood vessel blockages known as vaso-occlusive crises. This type of blockage can lead to acute chest syndrome, stroke, jaundice, and symptoms of heart failure. Many patients are also anemic and their blood cells are misshapen or “sickled” which become rigid and block small blood vessels, resulting in a lack of oxygen delivered to the tissues. Every organ in the body can develop problems because of this, and currently, the only cure is a stem cell transplant, which is available to just a fraction of those living with sickle cell disease.
inVeritas was proud to partner with Governor Sanders, who proclaimed September 2023 as “Sickle Cell Disease Awareness Month”. In addition to the Governor’s proclamation, Little Rock’s Junction Bridge was lit in crimson, showing our commitment to helping patients of sickle cell disease as well as their loved ones who often provide vital care. The pain of this genetic disease is excruciating, and treatment is focused on pain management, minimizing organ damage, maintaining hydration, and addressing fevers. All of which require medication and sometimes monthly blood transfusions and frequent hospital visits.
inVeritas is proud to be a partner in educating decision makers on ways to bring relief to so many. With cutting edge research on the horizon, we are hopeful for life changing impact!