Proven Results

Clients turn to inVeritas because of our ability to solve complex challenges, manage crisis, improve market share and deliver successful results.

ACCESS Group, Inc. is a school and therapy center for children and young adults with developmental disabilities. inVeritas is the public relations firm of record for its new residential facilities, ACCESS Village. Our team has prepared ACCESS leadership for presentations before legislators, key decision makers, and the press. In addition, inVeritas is designing a public relations strategy for ACCESS Village, including logo design, website, digital and collateral materials.

“The inVeritas team has done a fantastic job in helping ACCESS turn our long-held plans into reality. Their team of professionals prepped and coached us for an important presentation and continues to provide top-notch research and public relations support. ACCESS is grateful for their years of support and friendship.”

- Tammy Simmons, Executive Director, ACCESS

Aimed Alliance, a health organization, commissioned inVeritas to conduct a digital survey of health care professionals in Texas, Illinois and New York. The survey examined health care professionals' experiences with prior authorization and step therapy policies following the recent enactment of laws that regulate the use of these policies. Based on the findings of the survey, Aimed Alliance published a three-part series to gauge the degree to which health plans are complying with recently enacted prior authorization and step therapy laws and whether states are doing enough to enforce those laws identified several shortcomings in compliance with and enforcement of prior authorization and step therapy laws.

Alternative Energy

Chesapeake Energy

When Chesapeake Energy began exploring natural gas drilling exploration in Arkansas’ Fayetteville Shale, it turned to inVeritas to help promote development and expand exploration operations in a complicated political and public relations environment. Using opinion research, public outreach and legislative consensus building, team inVeritas worked to transform the region into a primary area of exploration for Chesapeake, the number one independent producer of natural gas and most active driller of new wells in the United States.

 inVeritas provided Chesapeake with legal, legislative and strategic brand development expertise and delivered cost-effective support to the expansion of Chesapeake’s capital investment in Arkansas. The Fayetteville Shale grew to be the U.S.’s second most productive shale play and Chesapeake became the area’s largest leaseholder.

BHP Billiton

inVeritas has been engaged for the past several years as a consultant for BHP Billiton’s shale interests in Arkansas. In this role, inVeritas serves as a strategic advisor to BHP, advising on public and government relations strategies. Most recently, inVeritas was selected to conduct polling and in-depth interview research in the shale plays in Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas. The multi-state research results were used to provide strategic consulting to BHP and assist in the development of public relations campaigns in the communities where BHP has active drilling operations.


inVeritas has conducted focus group research for Chevron Corp. in Texas, Colorado and New Mexico. The research was designed to determine key messaging that will inform Chevron of their current position and predict the likely outcome of a public relations campaign focused on promoting production and development of natural gas exploration.

After a successful inaugural year, the Scott Family Amazeum engaged inVeritas to conduct a benchmark survey of its patrons and the community in order to continue to develop and improve exhibits and programming.  inVeritas’ research was designed to provide a deeper understanding of the Amazeum's recognition in Northwest Arkansas, the favorability of its programming, and opportunities to offer learning spaces that continue to enhance family involvement. 

"inVeritas provided critical insight to the Amazeum.  Their work will be instrumental as we continue to build loyal patrons and target our growth and offerings to engage our community.”  

-  Dana Englebert, Marketing Manager, Scott Family Amazeum

When Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance was ready for a new look, inVeritas designed a complete rebrand that focused on its mission. The alliance, which implements programs to increase access to food, traded its existing logo for one that is fresh and modern. A redesign of the existing website followed, creating a better user experience for the many groups around the state that interact with the alliance daily: from farmers and program participants to volunteers and legislators.

 inVeritas has been a long-time supporter of the Alliance’s many outreach efforts. inVeritas designed the logo for Serving Up Solutions, the primary fundraiser of the Alliance, and CEO Ruth Whitney served as the chair of the annual event, which raised more than a record-breaking $132,000 to fight hunger in the state.

“Our friends at inVeritas did an exceptional job leading the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance through a complete rebrand. We are thrilled to launch a refreshed, modern logo along with a vibrant and functional website. Their team made the process seamless, and we look forward to working with them again soon.”

- Kathy Webb, Former CEO, Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance

Under the leadership of Kane Webb, the Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism merged its digital and broadcast marketing platforms.  As part of that merger and to ensure an integrated cross-disciplinary approach, ADPT turned to inVeritas to help facilitate its first-ever collective strategic planning meeting.  The two-day meeting accomplished its goals of developing a shared vision of the ADPT brand and actionable tactics and strategies for long term plan development.

“Ruth was instrumental in the development of our strategic plan.  She did a terrific job of navigating our team through the big conversations and helped create a roadmap for success.”

- Kane Webb, Former Director, Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism

The rise of social media has transformed the way companies do business. From connecting with customers to building a brand, a social media strategy can make the difference between a company’s success or failure. When the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce/Associated Industries of Arkansas needed direction in this growing aspect of everyday business, they turned to inVeritas.

The Arkansas State Chamber is the leading voice for business at the State Capitol and serves as the primary business advocate on all issues affecting Arkansas employers. Under the management of inVeritas’ creative team, the State Chamber saw significant growth in its Facebook and Twitter engagement. With our strategic approach, they have seen a dramatic increase in public relations activity by engaging and promoting existing members and increasing outreach to potential new ones.


During the 92nd General Assembly, inVeritas engaged with several arts and culture institutions throughout the state to advance legislation that would allow alcoholic-beverage manufacturers to sponsor and provide advertising materials to nonprofit entities holding large attendance facility permits (SB586). With days left in the session, inVeritas built a coalition of supporters, including the Walton Arts Center and Murphy Arts District, to secure passage of the legislation (Act 744 of 2019).

inVeritas is thankful to Sen. Greg Leding (D-Fayetteville) for sponsoring the legislation and helping garner bipartisan support. As a result of our collective efforts, cultural centers in Arkansas can now raise additional revenue through sponsorships and maximize resources spent on the mission of arts education and programming.

In order to develop a recruitment program for two-year college transfers, Arkansas State University (ASU) engaged inVeritas to conduct opinion research with faculty, administrators, and students. In order to uncover the most relevant information, our team conducted focus groups with individuals from each of the ASU’s five campuses – ASU-Jonesboro, ASU-Newport, ASU-Mid-South, ASU-Beebe and ASU-Mountain Home.

Our findings identified strengths and weaknesses in the current program and outlined recommendations to help ASU develop a successful recruitment strategy.

inVeritas’ research and strategic recommendations cut through the clutter to provide sound advice and clear direction for future success.” 

Chuck Welch, Former President, Arkansas State University

inVeritas has been Baxter Healthcare’s government relations firm for a decade. inVeritas has monitored the legislature and various committees; passed meaningful legislation; monitored drug pricing; and attended the Kidney Disease Commission meetings on a regular basis. During the 90th General Assembly, inVeritas leveraged its strong relationship with the chair of the Senate Public Health Committee to secure the changes requested by Baxter ensuring patients with end-stage renal disease were considered and included within the law.

In 2016, Beaver Water District (BWD) selected inVeritas as its research firm to conduct baseline and annual market research. The polling provides BWD with state-of-the-art techniques and produces detailed information and analysis about the perceptions and impressions of BWD, its service, and recommendations for ongoing brand and public relations strategy.

“Ruth provided us with the data and insight needed to better understand the strength of our brand and direction for future outreach to our customers.  The market research and strategic thinking was outstanding.”

- Alan Fortenberry, CEO, Beaver Water District

Bell & Company, a regional public accounting and business advisory firm based in North Little Rock, provides expert accounting and financial services to clients throughout Arkansas. inVeritas assisted Bell & Company with an initiative to modify the way LLCs, S corporations and other income pass through entities are taxed.

The proposal sought to protect Arkansas businesses from increases in federal taxes due to recent tax law changes – with no cost to the state. Bell and Company presented the proposal to the Tax Reform and Relief Task Force, which is working to improve the Arkansas tax system.

inVeritas provided expert explanation and assistance – including one-on-one discussions with task force members and formal testimony to the committee. After considerable deliberation, the task force adopted the Bell and Company proposal, named PET for Pass Through Entity Tax, for the final task force recommendation report.

“inVeritas’ advice and counsel was vital to the success of our initiative. Their knowledge of Arkansas tax law and the legislative process gave us an avenue to support legislation that will result in significant federal income tax savings for Arkansas businesses."

- Richard Bell, President and CEO, Bell & Company


Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) is a national trade association for the biotechnology industry, representing over 1,000 companies and academic institutions involved in the research and development of innovative healthcare, agriculture, industrial, and environmental biotechnology products. 

inVeritas has worked with BIO and its members on a variety of issues, including legislative monitoring and tracking; navigating the Arkansas Medicaid landscape; physician administered drug review process; and 340B rulemaking.

During the 94th General Assembly, inVeritas advocated for BIO and member companies to defeat legislation which would have caused significant harm to the pharmaceutical industry. 

“The inVeritas team devoted the time and energy necessary to defeat bills of concern for BIO and provided regular communication to keep my team aware of status.  We are thrilled to have the inVeritas team on our side in Arkansas.”

– Lilly Melander, State Government Affairs Director, Biotechnology Innovation Organization


Elevance Health is a whole health company dedicated to making real progress toward elevating and advancing the health of the people and communities they serve.  A member of a Provider-Led Arkansas Shared Savings Entity (PASSEs) in Arkansas, Elevance Health engaged inVeritas to assist with stakeholder engagement, strategic consulting, and tracking legislation. 

“The inVeritas team is invaluable to our success.   Their knowledge of the issues, engagement with members and assistance with bill review and tracking is first class.  I highly recommend this team for anyone that needs assistance during a legislative session.”

- Brad Nye, Director of Government Relations, Elevance Health

When the City of Fayetteville took steps to modernize its decades-old strategic plan, it selected inVeritas in a competitive bid process noting our extensive experience in public policy. 

inVeritas designed a four-phase strategy, including individual interviews (IDIs) with the eight council members and the mayor. The IDIs focused on each member’s individual priorities for the City and perceptions of the effectiveness of current city services. 

Armed with unique perspectives and fresh ideas, inVeritas led a two-day planning meeting designed to provide each participant an opportunity to voice their vision, ideas, and concerns for Fayetteville’s future. From that meeting, inVeritas developed an updated and viable strategic plan that will serve to guide Fayetteville’s future priorities and actions.

“The inVeritas team provided Fayetteville with the tools it needs to update our vision for this great City. Their professional team guided us through comprehensive and challenging subject matter in a short time period and strengthened the camaraderie among City leadership.”

- Lioneld Jordan, Mayor, City of Fayetteville

When Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport needed to make a crucial executive leadership hire, the Airport retained inVeritas to conduct due diligence on the top applicants. inVeritas executed a customized research plan to ensure the new hire would be a good fit for a high-profile position at the state’s largest commercial airport.

Cox Communications, the largest private telecom in the United States, invested $15 million in Northwest Arkansas to give its residential customers access to gigabit Internet speeds. In order to make the announcement to the community and media, the inVeritas public relations team assisted in planning a press conference and reception. We secured print and broadcast media coverage in both local and statewide mediums. In addition, our talented creative team and partners produced engaging visual assets, including invitations, posters, programs, and video.

“The inVeritas team did a fantastic job organizing this event for Cox. Their experience, relationships, and attention to detail helped Cox receive recognition for our investment in Northwest Arkansas, and we could not have done it without their support.”

- Curt Stamp, Arkansas Market Vice President, Cox Communications

El Dorado Festivals & Events (EFE), a nonprofit founded to embrace the spirit of arts and culture in South Arkansas, engaged inVeritas during the 91st General Assembly to further its mission of pursuing new economic opportunity for the City of El Dorado.

To reach this goal, inVeritas advocated for legislation to allow wet counties to authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption.  With only a few weeks remaining in the 2017 legislative session, inVeritas worked with freshman Sen. Trent Garner (R-El Dorado) to help secure the passage of the bill.  Through our efforts, the State of Arkansas can expect continued economic development and tourism growth in small towns like El Dorado that hopes to celebrate and build upon its distinctive legacy of culture, community, architecture, music and performing arts. 

“With only weeks left in the session, inVeritas worked hard to get our legislation to the Governor’s desk and signed into law. Understanding our goals were lofty, we are thankful and impressed by inVeritas' outstanding results in such a short period of time.”

- Dan Smith, Vice President of Hospitality and Operations, El Dorado Festivals & Events

Federal Grass Roots Efforts

Advocates of various federal grassroots efforts, including Americans for Stable Quality Care, the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013, Citizens for Strength and Security, the Smarter Regulation Project, and the Toxic Substances Control Act, engaged inVeritas to assist with grassroots campaigns to inform and persuade Arkansas Senators and members of Congress to support particular pieces of legislation. inVeritas’ objective was to generate momentum and build support for these bipartisan efforts through effective grasstops voices.

Our government and public relations team successfully mobilized and engaged stakeholders in letter writing, constituent calls by industry and associated leaders, and media campaigns. Our experience and vast list of contacts throughout the state allowed us to engage stakeholders and local legislative leaders that have the most influence on the issue at hand. Our team successfully placed numerous letters to the editor in prominent state newspapers and successfully fulfilled the requirements of each objective.

inVeritas worked successfully with the 94th General Assembly to create an outcomes based Adult Diploma Program in Arkansas that will help Arkansans gain a high school diploma, in addition to career ready life skills and career specific workforce credentials. The inVeritas team garnered support from a broad coalition of leaders and stakeholders including the Arkansas Governor’s Office, the Secretary of Education, the Chief Workforce Officer and the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce, among others.  

 “inVeritas worked tirelessly to ensure our legislative priority was successfully passed during the 94th General Assembly. Ruth’s sound strategic advice proved critical at every stage of the process from bill drafting, securing appropriation funding, and gaining overwhelming legislative support for this important program. We are grateful to work with the inVeritas team.”

- Graduation Alliance

inVeritas is committed to being involved and giving back to the communities where we live and work. Our team members serve on boards and committees for several local nonprofits, including the Learning Disabilities Association of Arkansas, a statewide organization dedicated to pursuing solutions for children diagnosed with learning disabilities.

LDAA engaged inVeritas to increase its membership base and raise the public’s awareness of the group. Using a targeted social media campaign, inVeritas helped LDAA generate more than 700 new fans in just six months.

Through our work, LDAA has seen a marked increase in engagement, including recruiting a record-number of applicants for LDAA’s annual scholarship.

inVeritas also assisted with planning for LDAA’s annual conference, which brought parents and educators from throughout the state together and was headlined by a national scholar on learning disabilities.

“The inVeritas Team provided excellent creative and strategic Public Relations services to LDAA designed to meet our goals of increased public awareness and event participation.  During the years we worked with inVeritas, we experienced increases in membership, conference participation and applicants for our annual student scholarship program.” 

- Learning Disabilities Association of Arkansas

Venture capital firm NewRoad Ventures retained inVeritas to conduct due diligence reports on emerging companies and their leaders. Given the high degree of risk associated with the venture capital investment process, an exhaustive due diligence process is crucial. inVeritas’ comprehensive screening system provided NewRoad with critical information to evaluate investment opportunities before committing funds.

inVeritas has served Northrop Grumman, a leading global security company, as a consultant and lobbyist on all Arkansas government relations matters for a decade. Our work includes monitoring the legislature and various committees; providing bill analysis; engaging the governor’s office and agency directors; and assisting on contracts and developing RFP responses and procurement. Most recently, inVeritas helped Northrop Grumman secure a contract with the Department of Human Services - Office of System and Technology, regarding maintenance, support and development of its various mainframe, client/server, and web-based computer applications. With the help of the inVeritas government relations team, Northrop Grumman secured a multi-year contract with the State of Arkansas - where they continue to do business today.

“inVeritas has provided Northrop Grumman with unrivaled research, honest advice, and top-notch government relations services. Having inVeritas on your team is a business multiplier; their expertise and commitment to success are invaluable. They are a true asset to their clients.

- Northrop Grumman

Facing a difficult economic climate and reduced sales, Delta and Northwest Airlines needed to navigate a treacherous political landscape to form a merger that would sustain their market share and viability. inVeritas organized a grasstops letter writing and communications campaign to raise awareness about the merger and educate key decision makers about its importance. inVeritas assembled a coalition of supporters, from business leaders and heads of local chambers of commerce to elected officials and state tourism employees, to explain not only the merger’s necessity but also its long-term benefits to domestic and international travelers. While the airline industry’s struggles have not subsided, the ease of the merger has better positioned the new Delta for financial success and improved service in the coming months and years.

As Our House embarked on a crucial capital campaign, the organization hired inVeritas to help it achieve objectives needed to compete in a grant process to access a new funding source. inVeritas conducted a needs assessment of parents, youth, staff, and partners to gather information needed to craft a strategic plan and to aid in curriculum development. inVeritas aided in the formation of an advisory committee composed of members of the community, parents, staff and volunteers to help further these goals. 


Pattern Energy operates a global portfolio of high-performing renewable energy facilities.  Their approach begins and ends with establishing trust, accountability, and transparency.  They aim to sustainably develop, construct, and operate clean, renewable energy projects in a safe and responsible manner and with respect for communities and cultures where they have a presence. 

“As the company began work on three projects in northeast Arkansas, inVeritas was the firm of choice to assist with stakeholder engagement, legislative tracking, and strategic consulting.  inVeritas worked quickly and effectively with the General Assembly to negotiate critical amendments to our industry. We are fortunate to have Ruth’s experience, counsel and support.”

Ray Fakhoury, Senior Political & Regulatory Affairs Manager, Pattern

In the midst of the recovery process following the Great Recession, Illinois-based paper company Paper Tigers hired inVeritas to help procure grant, incentive, and funding opportunities in Arkansas and Georgia. inVeritas worked with state leaders to help Paper Tigers obtain a financial incentive package for economic development in Pine Bluff, an area that had been largely impacted by the financial crisis.

During a critical time, Presbyterian College reached out to inVeritas for assistance with press relations. What began as an engagement for communications services quickly evolved into a comprehensive client services agreement. The inVeritas team developed a public relations plan for the college, incorporating goals for recruitment and retention; alumni relations and giving; network development; advertising and press relations; crisis communications and management; and website and social media.

In addition to communications and PR, inVeritas helped PC with branding and creative marketing. We worked with school officials to design PC’s new logo and developed marketing materials incorporating the new logo and messaging. In addition, we led the design and development of the school’s new website. inVeritas guided PC through the entire process, from rough wireframes to launch. The team worked with PC’s senior leadership and marketing team to manage the various departments and their contributions to their respective website sections. You can view the website at


RELX is a global provider of information-based analytics and decision tools for professional, business and government customers, enabling them to make better decisions, get better results, and be more productive.

During the 94th General Assembly, inVeritas tracked and analyzed legislation; monitored various committees; and negotiated amendments on behalf of RELX.  

“The inVeritas team is exceptional.  During the 94th General Assembly, they maintained excellent communication, were quick to tackle all of our issues and consistently delivered positive results for RELX.”

- David Foy, Senior Director, State Government Affairs, RELX

Total Wine & More is the nation’s largest independent retailer of fine wine with an estimated revenue of over $3 billion in 2019. Founded in 1991, the company has rapidly grown to over 206 stores in 24 states. As Total Wine & More has expanded to meet market need, it has hired inVeritas to ensure compliance with local regulations as it enters new states.

In 2012, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., a global biotechnology company, received approval for Kalydeco, the first drug that treats the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis. When Arkansas Medicaid decided to restrict access to Kalydeco to a number of cystic fibrosis patients in Arkansas, Vertex turned to inVeritas to advocate and develop a communications strategy that would allow these patients access to this life extending drug. Kalydeco is now listed on the state’s specialty drug list. In 2015, Vertex received FDA approval for its second cystic fibrosis medicine, Orkambi. Before going before the Arkansas Drug Utilization Review (DUR) Board, inVeritas advocated the importance of approving Orkambi and encouraged policymakers to support this effective drug. Orkambi was recently approved by the Arkansas DUR Board. In addition to the approval of Orkambi, inVeritas was also able to receive legislative approval for a resolution designating May as Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.

Vertex is the first recipient of the Forbes Breakthrough Drug Award recognizing a significant advance in medicine. The company was selected for its work in developing the first medicine to treat the cause of cystic fibrosis.

For the past seven years, inVeritas has conducted a report on the economic impact of tourism for Visit Hot Springs. The report highlights demographic information on travelers to Garland County, research on various studies regarding patterns of travel and tourism, and key information and notable events for Garland County’s tourist attractions. The research has become a vital tool for Hot Springs to better understand the economic impact of the city’s tourism industry to help with future strategy and planning.

In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic brought the travel industry to a standstill. As a way to demonstrate the pandemic's impact on jobs and revenue, inVeritas prepared a report detailing COVID's unprecedented economic impact on the Hot Springs' tourist-dependent economy.

“Visit Hot Springs hired inVeritas to better understand the economic impact of the city’s tourism industry. Their research has been invaluable – it is incredibly detailed and gave us a true understanding of the monetary effect of tourism in Hot Springs.”

- Steve Arrison, CEO, Hot Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau