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Strong PR Campaign Critical to Company’s Success

The importance of a strong public relations strategy can’t be over-emphasized. It’s your company’s road map for achieving your goals.



And while many professionals may think of writing a campaign as PR 101, Entrepreneur recently came up with 10 things to consider before writing your first word. The tips outlined in “10 Principles for Creating an Effective Public Relations Plan” shed new light on what may have become old hat. All of them are important, but these five are our favorites—and can lay the foundation for a company’s future success.

Know your audience.

A strong PR plan should be grounded in insights, both about the client or company you are creating the plan for and the products and services you are recommending. Do the recommended products fill a customer need? How are they expected to perform? Has the customer used this product in the past? If they have, find out whether it worked, and if it didn’t, be sure not to recommend it again. Use your knowledge of the PR industry and its offerings to drive results for the client.

Focus on outcomes over activities.

Understand the desired results that should happen as a result of the plan’s implementation. It’s not enough to tell clients to engage in social media. You should set goals, such as increase enrollment by 10 percent or increase month-over-month sales by 5 percent. As author Craig Cincotta points out in the article, the alternative – doing a bunch of activities that aren’t aligned to a broader strategy – is a waste of resources.

Under promise and over deliver.

This simple and classic maxim is the basis for all great customer service – not just in the public relations field. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set the bar high, but it should be realistic. Routinely going above and beyond for clients is what shows your true investment in their business and creates lasting partnerships. Cincotta suggests always being “very clear on what you intend to deliver and when.”

Have a call to action.

Your audience is engaged; now leave them with an action to take.

Like our Facebook page. Click on our website. Buy now.

All of these are clear and concise ways to direct the audience.

Public relations is not an island

We’ve probably all heard the famous John Donne poem, “No Man Is an Island.” Well, neither is PR. As Cincotta points out, “great PR teams are woven into the fabric of the business from day one.” To find success, the PR team and its goals should be integrated into the long-term plans of the company. Rather than serving as one arm of the company that springs to life when a new product or service is rolled out and ready for promotion, public relations should be intertwined in all aspects of the company.


Inspired to draft another great PR campaign? So are we! Let us know how inVeritas can help your company’s public relations. To read the full article from Entrepreneur, visit: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/280309.


To learn more about inVeritas’ services, including public relations, market research, government relations and management consulting, visit www.inveritasinfo.com.