Learn About Us
inVeritas is a global public affairs firm specializing in corporate and brand management, public relations, government relations, market research and intelligence. With decades of experience, inVeritas is the firm of choice for global companies – a recognized advisor and trusted resource for delivering critical intelligence and proven solutions to address complex business challenges.
We have comprehensive multi-state consulting experience and represent Global 500 companies, professional service firms, world-renowned artists, industry associations, nonprofit organizations, and federal government agencies and commissions.

what we do
GOVERNMENt Relations
The inVeritas team has worked at the highest levels of government and has the expertise to guide companies through the nuances of the regulatory, legislative, and administrative arenas. We have a proven track record for passing legislation, securing funding, building coalitions, and providing cost containment on disputes.
Public Relations
A strong communications and public relations operation is integral to success in every arena and every sector. Our award-winning team helps clients through the various stages of their public relations needs, from crisis management to message development.
Accurate information is the cornerstone of an effective, winning strategy. Without it, critical decisions are uninformed and time and money are wasted. At inVeritas, each element of our research is carefully customized to meet our clients’ objectives. We arm our clients with the intelligence crucial to market expansion, asset protection, and risk mitigation.
stratEgic Consulting
Our highly experienced consulting team designs actionable strategies to help clients achieve tangible results. With extensive legal, regulatory and government relations experience, our consultants evaluate performance, assess business practices, develop critical capabilities and deliver value by achieving compliance, uncovering opportunities and solving unique problems.
our Work
Clients turn to inVeritas because of our ability to solve complex challenges, manage crises, improve market share and deliver successful results.